
Bali Spiritual Treatment Melukat


Melukat, means cleaning and healing, the purpose of this ritual is to purify our mind body and soul, melukat generally done by some offerings: prascita and bayuan, melukat can be hold in grya, beaches, place of worshiping (pura)

Melukat, средства очистки и исцеления, цель этого ритуала, чтобы очистить наше тело ума и души, melukat обычно делают некоторые предложения: prascita и bayuan, melukat можно держать в grya, пляжи, места поклонения (пура)


Melukat은 세척이 의식의 목적은 우리의 마음 몸과 마음을 정화하는, 치료 방법, melukat 일반적으로 몇몇 제품에 의해 수행 : prascita와 bayuan는 melukat는 해변, grya하다 숭배의 장소 (퓨라) 수

Melukat is important to restore the negative elements of the human body and mind. With melukat, Hindus in Bali expect someone's thoughts go back clean and contain positive things to continue their life.

Melukat важно восстановить отрицательных элементов человеческого тела и ума. С melukat, индусы на Бали ожидают мысли кого-то вернемся чистые и содержат положительные вещи, чтобы продолжать свою жизнь.

Melukatは、人間の身体と心の負の要素を復元することが重要です。 melukatで、バリのヒンズー教徒は、誰かの思考が戻ってきれいにし、彼らの生活を続けるために肯定的なものが含まれて行くと予想。

Melukat 인간의 몸과 마음의 부정적인 요소를 복원하는 것이 중요합니다. melukat로, 발리에서 힌두교도 누군가의 생각을 다시 청소하고 그들의 인생을 계속 긍정적인 것들을 포함하는가는 기대하고 있습니다.

Meet a Balian

Another interesting famous ritual in Bali after Julia Robert's movie: Eat Pray Love, is meeting a balian (healer). In Bali, people who could cure various diseases called balian, balian is not merely to cure physical illness (medical) but also non-physical illness (non medical).

Еще одна интересная известный ритуал на Бали после фильма Джулия Роберт: Ешь, молись, Любовь, встречается Бальян (целитель). На Бали, люди, которые могли лечения различных заболеваний, вызываемых Балиан, Балиан не только вылечить физическую болезнь (медицинское), но и нефизических болезни (не медицинских).


줄리아 로버츠 영화 후 발리의 또 다른 흥미로운 유명한 의식 :기도 사랑을 먹고는 balian (치료자)를 만날 수 있습니다. 발리에서 다양한 질병을 치료할 수 사람들이 balian라고, balian은 신체 질환 (의료)뿐만 아니라 이외의 신체적 질병 (비 의학) 치료 단지되지 않습니다.

One of the famous balian is Ketut Liyer, he is an actor that act with Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love movie as fortune advisory

Один из известных Бальян является Кетут Liyer, он актер, которые действуют с Джулией Робертс в фильме Ешь, молись, Любовь как состояние консультативных

有名なバリアンの一つはKetut Liyerであり、彼はのジュリアロバーツとの行為が幸運勧告として祈る愛の映画を食べている俳優です。

유명한 balian 중 하나는 Ketut Liyer, 그는에서 줄리아 로버츠와 행동이 행운 자문으로기도 사랑의 동영상을 먹는 배우입니다

Snorkeling Spot Bali: Menjangan

Discover the beauty of North Bali! Most tourists gather in the south of Bali, making the area of Menjangan National Marine Park the ideal place if you want to relax and spend your holidays away from the crowd.

If you want to enjoy snorkeling in a comfortable place with a warm water temperature and away from the crowds, Menjangan is the only place for you!

Snorkel the underwater life of the deer: deer are very famous in the world as a place can be found coral species 'gorgonian sea fans'; in these waters are also mostly found surgeon fish, angel fish, moray eels, scorpion fish, lion fish, blue spotted sting rays, turtles the sea and sometimes whale shark or whale shark.

Water temperature: 28 degrees throughout the year ... but do not forget to use sun protection cream!

Menjangan snorkeling trip details:
> Snorkeling program is only for the tourists who stay overnight in North Bali Menjangan or,
> The trip from Lovina to Menjangan approximately 1:20 minutes and about 20 minutes by local boat.
> Snorkeling just off the boat.

Recommended for:

All people who want to enjoy time away from the crowds. 

> Sunscreen or sun protection cream 

> Toilet tissue, and other cleaning equipment.

There is Secret Beach in Bali

This is not possible in Bali! Once the traveler said when he saw the charm Balangan Beach, Bali. White sand, quiet, and hidden behind a hill north of Dreamland. The Balangan beautiful and unspoilt tourist does not know.

While other beaches filled with tourists in Bali, Beach Balangan tourists would not know. Beautiful stretch of white sand spread like a carpet that is still very smooth clean dah. There are no folds or stains used has failed.

Balangan beach is one of the rows of beautiful beaches in the area of ​​Uluwatu, Bali. This beach is located precisely in the region Pecatu, not far from Dreamland. This region is a storehouse of beautiful beaches.Yes, do not be surprised if bored with Dreamland, many tourists, especially surfers Balangan walked to the beach Even then, only tourists who know about the existence of the Balangan.

The atmosphere is very much different from other beaches in Bali. Sound waves fetchingly Balangan still be heard clearly. Gusts of wind shaking and swaying palm trees lined can feel when it hit the whole body.Stalls with thatched roof and a Hawaiian-style decoration on the beach. Instant noodles and a cold beer a favorite dish of tourists who come. Besides rows of palm trees, lined chair without a view of other residents on the edge of Balangan.

All peace on the edge of the beach created this Balangan also look perfect, while side by side with the blue sea with waves nan tempting. Waves on the beach is similar to Dreamland. Therefore, a choice of surfing every tourist who comes to this location.

Not only surfing, lots of activities traveler can do here. Swim, play sand, and sun while sipping coconut ice taste better when in Balangan. However, you still have to be careful because there are reefs in some parts of Balangan Beach.

Towards this hidden paradise, tourists can travel from Kuta. Take the direction towards the Bypass Ngurah Rai passes to Nusa Dua, and turn toward Uluwatu. Prepare your eyes in a state of alert will signpost towards Balangan.

Remember! In Indonesia is not outside the country. You do not get fooled by a view that is similar to the Maldives or the coast of Hawaii. This is where the most appropriate place to say "Bali is beautiful".